
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Improving Teaching and Learning Essay

As all children’s experiences and development are individual, every child will have their own unique ‘starting point’ from where to continue their learning of a subject from. Ausubel (1968) puts forward the interesting thought that we should design our teaching to start from where the pupil is. However, as Littledyke & Huxton (1998) suggest, it is almost impossible to take into account every individual child’s educational ‘starting point. I tried to establish a ‘common starting point’ by getting the whole class to brainstorm what they knew about metal. This would provide me with a vague idea of the knowledge each child held and enable me to successfully plan suitable investigative activities. This matches Piaget’s (1926) notion of ‘cognitive match’. The need to pitch the learning experience at the right level, for each child. † The teacher leads a discussion on a topic to draw out a range of ideas from this the teacher may be able to judge which children are most or least knowledgeable. However there may be several children within the class about the teacher knows very little even after the brainstorming session. † (Littledyke & Huxford, 1998, p22) To combat this problem that Littledyke and Huxford (1998) mention I talked to children who did not take part in the whole class session individually to found out their level of knowledge on the subject. One of the objects on my display table was a magnet. Many of the children seemed fascinated by the magnet, as groups of children would constantly pick it up and play with it. After seeing this I decided I would get the children to investigate which materials are attracted to a magnet. This seemed like an excellent idea as I had already observed that the children were interested in this subject. The investigation would be carried out in a constructivist manner, with the children working individually. From this I could see that Rodney had had no past experience with magnets and therefore had no knowledge that magnets are made of metal. All he knew was that the object he held in his hand was called a ‘magnet’ and that it stuck to metal objects. He had guessed that the magnet was made of plastic (probably due to the fact that it was coated in plastic) and constructed a misconception. On analysing this conversation I concluded that carrying my investigation out in a constructivist manner and pitching my investigation at an intermediate level, had missed Rodney’s (and no doubt others) ‘starting point’ of subject knowledge leading him to create his own incorrect idea. I believe this evidence contradicts a constructivist way of teaching as without positively intervening, questioning and explaining to Rodney that the magnet was made of metal, more problems may have arise in the form of further misconceptions or being unable to carry out following work effectively. Instead it matches Littledykes & Huxtons (1998) suggestion that matching every child’s ‘starting point’ is extremely challenging and if not done accurately, as shown from the evidence, can cause problems for the child. This brings to light that maybe a different teaching style needs to be adopted. Maybe I should have used the transmission approach of teaching at the beginning of the lesson and clarified vital pieces of information so that non of the children would have had misconceptions and the investigation would have succeed to the best of its ability. This however would have been uninteresting for the children. In using a constructivist method of teaching, allowing the child to work independently building on old ideas to construct new ones, there is always a risk that misconceptions may arise. When children are discovering a convention for themselves and intervention from a more knowledgeable source is absent, children may take the information and instead of placing it in the perspective of conventional science they place it in their own logical perspective. For example, after the investigation, I sat with each ability group and asked them to inform me of their findings. Through discussion and questioning within the group, I challenged ideas, aiding children to have access and maybe use of other children’s ideas and therefore make their own clearer. The following conversation was typical of all the groups. In conclusion, I believe that constructivism is an effective way in enabling children to build on or amend active ideas as it allows the child to undertaking ‘hands on’ activities and actually appreciate a theory in action. This in turn could either deepen understanding or change misconceptions they may have emerged throughout the topic. Practical activities subsequently help the children to retain the information as ‘doing’ experiments, which are of interest to them, help them remember the vital information needed. These facts could then be recalled instantaneously when re-visiting and building on a similar topic, later on in the curriculum. Due to all the disadvantages mentioned earlier in my assignment, it is obvious that constructivism cannot stand-alone. It is acceptable to use constructivist methods but they must be used in conjunction with other teaching methods also mentioned earlier. This, as teachers, is down to our professional judgement to decide when and where they should be used. The right teaching style should accommodate the right job and although constructivism is a sound way to allow children to investigate, it does not always fit the purpose of the scientific investigation wanting to be carried out. However I believe that we adopt many different teaching styles throughout a lesson without even knowing it. Bibliography ASHCROFT, K & LEE, J (2000) Improving Teaching and Learning in the Core Curriculum. London: Falmer. ATKINSON & FLEER (1995) Science with Reason. Hodder & Staughton. COLLINS EDUCATIONAL (1995) Nuffield Primary Science, materials: teachers guide. London De BOO, M (2000) Science 3-6 Laying the foundations in the Early Years. ASE Hatfield. DFEE, (2000) The National Curriculum: Handbook for Primary Teachers in England. London: DFEE & QCA. FARROW, S. (2000) The Really Useful Science Book. London:Falmer.

Olaudah Equiano: a Man of Many Customs

James Pajich Prof. Carla Lovett Hist. 105 18 October 2012 Olaudah Equiano: A Man of Many Customs The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano describes the life of a native African who was kidnapped from his homeland in the Eboe Province (which is now the Nigerian town of Isseke) at age eleven and thrown into the horrors of the African slave trade. Unlike most victims of the slave trade, Equiano regained his freedom and experienced multiple facets of life that no one could have expected.Equiano became a man of diverse customs and values. However, due to the absence of written records’ it is often a matter of debate as to what his true origin really was. Throughout his autobiography, Olaudah Equiano defined himself as a native African. He used vivid illustrations of his homeland and experiences on the Middle Passage, and was even willing to defend the public’s view of him as a man of Africa. I personally define Equiano as a European citizen according to his c ustoms, personal desires, and behavior.Equiano’s narrative played a key role in a variety of cultural, historical, and literary issues, therefore, the identification and ultimately the validity of its author take on special importance. While reading The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano I found it very apparent that Equiano viewed himself as an African born individual. He illustrated his culture and customs as an Igbo African in vivid details of culture, religion, law, and agriculture. (43-56) He also described the atrocities of the Atlantic slave trade as if he had recently experienced them: stating the smell, appearance, and reaction of his fellow slaves. 64-68) â€Å"Although culturally Equiano became â€Å"almost and Englishman,† embracing Christianity and British customs, the experiences Equiano shared with slaves and free people of color, and living in a world that did not differentiate between members of separate African communities, led him to consider himself also a son of Africa. † (21) Equiano embraced his African heritage throughout his life and even fought to uphold his reputation as such. There was an instance where two anonymous notes appeared in London papers charging that he was not from Africa at all, but was actually born on he Danish island of St. Croix in the Caribbean. Equiano realized that this claim falsified the validity of his Narrative and immediately confronted and threatened those responsible for the papers with legal action, providing actual witnesses of the fact that upon his arrival in England he was only able to speak an African language (24-25). This reaction shows that Equiano held much pride in his African identity and was willing defend it against those who claimed otherwise. However, there is evidence of significant authority that claims Equiano may have fabricated the origins of his identity.There are two certain documents, discovered by literary historian Vincent Carretta, that pin point the birthplace of Equiano in South Carolina that keep modern day scholars and historians from absolute certainty of his actual birthplace. One of these documents was written on February 9, 1759 in the baptismal registry of St. Margaret’s Church in Westminster, England. It read, â€Å"Gustavus Vassa (Olaudah Equiano) a Black born in Carolina 12 years old. † (26) The second document was from Equiano’s Arctic expedition in 1773. It claims that he was currently 28 years old and born in South Carolina.Neither of these findings is conclusive as to whether Equiano was African or American-born, but they certainly leave plenty of room for uncertainty. (26-27) I personally define Equiano as European, particularly an Englishman. Notions of English nationality are found in great abundance throughout the text. Equiano’s narrative repeatedly expresses his desire for a male English identity. He doesn’t view Englishness as a racially exclusive nationality, b ut one that evokes an ethnic identity that Equiano defines through Christianity, and citizenship.Two to three years after arriving in England Equiano claimed â€Å"I no longer looked at them as spirits, but as men superior to us; and therefore I had a stronger desire to resemble them; to imbibe their spirit, and imitate their manners I therefore embraced every occasion of improvement; and every new thing that I observed I treasured up in my memory. † (83) Here we see Equiano’s envy for his new â€Å"superiors† and his wish to possess their culture and belongings. This desire strongly encouraged my opinion of Equiano’s identity as European.My opinion was also influenced by Equiano’s acculturation into English society and customs during his early teen years. â€Å"I could now speak English tolerably well, and I perfectly understood everything that was said. I now not only felt myself quite easy with these new countrymen, but relished their society a nd manners. † (83) It is clear that Equiano identified his shipmates as his â€Å"countrymen† and personally enjoyed the interactions he had with each one of them. It was now between three and four years since I first came to England, a great part of which I had spent at sea; so that I became inured to that service, and began to consider myself as happily situated; for my master treated me always extremely well; and my attachment and gratitude to him were very great. From the various scenes I had beheld on ship-board, I soon grew a stranger to terror of every kind, and was, in that respect at least, almost an Englishman. † (83) This passage shows that Equiano developed an affectionate relationship with his master and also that their bond strengthened Equiano’s identity as an adult man.Even more important, the identity Equiano is trying to proclaim for himself as an adult man, â€Å"a stranger to terror of every kind†, is as a European. There are also certain actions and beliefs that Equiano maintained that provoked the establishment of his European desires. For instance, he believed the only manner towards proper adulthood is as an Englishman. Equiano doesn’t come right out and say this but there is a point in the text where he noted that he considers himself very fortunate that he didn’t receive his family members’ tribal marking on his face, as is would have represented his entrance into mature Ibo manhood. As I was now amongst a people who had not their faces scarred, like some of the African nations where I had been, I was very glad that I did not let them ornament me in that manner† (69). Also, during Equiano’s voyage to Jamaica and the Mosquito Shore he went to see a Guineaman doctor to purchase slaves to cultivate a plantation. He even chose them according to their native land in hopes that it is near his own. (189) The identification of Olaudah Equiano is of the utmost importance becaus e of the critical role he played in the antislavery movement. Even the timing f a personable voice speaking out against slavery was important because it was a time when opposition to slavery was scattered throughout Britain and America and Equiano’s narrative, along with other factors, helped assemble the movement into one of the greatest in British history. It was Equiano’s personal accounts and experiences that validated his narrative. He possessed the intelligence and capability to spread his ideas to men and women on all levels of British society. He also had the members of significant political authority to support his narrative to yet further its validity.Unfortunately, Equiano never had the opportunity to bare witness to what he worked so hardly toward because the slave trade ended in both England and the United State ten years after his death (1807). Conclusively, it is very apparent that Olaudah Equiano distinguished himself as an African-born man, even though I personally identify him as a man of European customs based on his desires, influences, and his acculturation into European society. Most importantly, Equiano’s narrative played a key role as an abolitionist tool in the fight against slavery and the identity of its author deems it valid as a historical document.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Health Insurance Options And Mechanisms Health And Social Care Essay

The purpose of this thesis is to depict wellness insurance options and mechanisms for execution in Zanzibar Islands. It is portion of the attempts of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare through its Strategic Plan to transport out surveies to happen out different wellness funding options to finance its wellness attention services to the people. The Technical Working Group ( TWG ) responsible for wellness funding conducted several surveies to measure cost-sharing since 2005. The consequences of these surveies showed major spreads in many countries including effectivity and efficiency in implementing cost sharing. One of the duties for TWG, of which I am the Chair, is to supply advice on the design and execution procedures of cost-sharing and other complementary funding mechanisms, and to supervise the impact. Health funding is a critical country for the efficient and effectual running of the wellness sector operations. In the context of restraint resources it is hard to take attention of all wellness attention demands of the people. About two decennaries now, arguments on the impact of out-of-pocket ( OOP ) part on the public wellness sector have non been clearly conclusive ( Mushi 2006 ) . States such as Uganda and Zambia decided to get rid of user fees while Zanzibar is endeavoring to better user fees at primary wellness installations. The Ability to pay for services is major a concerns which evokes argument in the community because their parts additions while services are still deteriorating. In this state of affairs it raises the inquiry on what is the best manner Zanzibar can finance the wellness services. However, in recent old ages, understandings on prepayment strategies such as part through revenue enhancement based and insurance where people contribute on a regular basis has pro ved to supply greater fiscal protection to the people compared to out of pocket part ( Preker & A ; Carrin,2004 ; WHO, 2000 ) . Since the independency in 1963 from British followed by the 1964 revolution, Zanzibar citizens enjoyed the proviso of free wellness services. However, due to universe ‘s political and economical alterations the wellness sector has experienced figure of jobs which continue to deteriorate the quality of wellness services. Therefore in 1999, wellness policy was reviewed as portion of a major wellness sector reform taking to better the wellness and well-being of Zanzibar ‘s people, with peculiar tenseness on adult females and kids ( MOHSW, 1999 ) . The principle of this is to increase the efficiency and to maximise the budget use under the status of forced resources. Ten old ages have been passed since the execution of wellness sector reform strategic program one ( 2002/2006 ) followed by strategic program two ( 2006/2011 ) . Some accomplishments were recorded in major reform countries except in financing public wellness attention which remains important. While the authoritie s acknowledges the proviso of free wellness attention at the point of bringing for those who could non be able to pay, means to protect vulnerable groups is still blurred. The mechanisms to cover these groups or wellness hazards are extremely required through societal wellness insurance. However, despite the fact that everyone who is in the formal labour market must be enrolled to the Zanzibar Social Security Fund ( ZSSF ) and receive benefits including medical and pregnancy, but the context of its operational capacity towards wellness benefits remains challenge. It has been recognized that huge bulk of labour force in Zanzibar is under the ZSSF, the ideas of ZSSF to run societal wellness insurance needs more amplification nevertheless if the purpose of societal security remain unaddressed, successful execution of societal wellness insurance based on societal security attack can be hard. It is with this background, this survey aimed to look upon the experience of how other states deal with this state of affairs. The survey seeks to place challenges and do recommendations for policy shapers and decision makers in Zanzibar to recognize the part of societal security in the field of wellness attention. The thesis consists of chapter one which gives an debut and overview of the survey and trades with economic system of Zanzibar, stressing the wellness and other societal economic indexs. Chapter two gives the analysis of the job, survey inquiries and its aims. Chapter three efforts an empirical analysis of the literature studies. This returns with treatment in chapter four. The concluding chapter five attempts to offer recommendations and decisions. Figure 1.1. The survey country Beginning:Background Information on ZanzibarGeneral information: Zanzibar is an archipelago of two sister islands Unguja and Pemba located in the East African seashore. Unguja has a entire country of 1,658 square kilometer while Pemba has 985 square kilometer. Entire population is 1.3 million ( 2009 ) of which 66 % aged 15-60 old ages old. The population growing rate estimated to 3.1 % ( 2002, Census ) .By country 30 % of populations live in urban country ( 2004 ) . The economic and societal indexs have been compared with Zanzibar ‘s immediate neighbours as low and high income states. The comparing is to exemplify the development position of the state in order to do analysis for the execution of wellness insurance more meaningful. The economic and societal indexs are indicated in table 1.1. Table 1.1 Economic and societal indexs of Zanzibar, her neighbors and other economic systems Index Tanzania Zanzibar Tanzania Mainland Kenya Uganda Low Income Countries High Income States GNP per capita $ 534 440 770 420 524 39,345 % Annual Growth of GDP per Capita 5.4 7.5 3.6 9.5 6.4 0.8 Adult literacy rate ( % ) of people 15 and above 72 85.1 74 64 99 Pop. below the national poorness line 49 37.7 No information No information Beginning: World Bank 2008 Zanzibar is low-income state with a Gross National Product ( GNP ) per capita of 534 USD ( MOFEA, 2008 ) . Zanzibar depends on agribusiness as the chief stay of its economic system, the chief export merchandise is cloves. About 49 % of the population lives below the national poorness line. The proportion of economically active population is 54 % ; beginnings of employment are informal sector ( 61 % ) , private sector ( 39 % ) and public sector ( 7 % ) ( Study Report: The Role of SME in Economic Development BoT – Zanzibar May, 2007 ) . Current unemployment rate estimations stand between 7 – 10 % ( HBS, 2004/05 ) , though unemployment among the immature population of 30 old ages and below is higher.Health sectorHealth Status Life anticipation at birth has increased from 53 old ages in 2003 to 60 old ages in 2008[ 1 ]. Infant mortality rate is 54 per 1000 unrecorded births in 2007/08. Under-five mortality rate bases at 79 per 1000 unrecorded births 2007/08 ( NBS, THMIS 2008 ) . Maternal mortality ratio based on infirmary informations as proxy index is estimated to be 422/100,000 unrecorded births in 2008 which has increased compared to the ratio of 377/100,000 unrecorded births ( UNICEF, 1998 ) . Epidemiologic passage in morbidity and mortality has been recognized over the past three old ages, this is due to the displacement of disease forms from catching to non-communicable. Disease like malaria has diminution from 34.3 % in 2006 to 10.8 % 2008 of all hospitalized instances which was the taking cause of morbidity and mortality ( MOHSW, 2008 ) . The most common chronic diseases which are the major cause of deceases in Zanzibar Hospitals are pneumonia, cardiovascular diseases, blood poisoning, Diabetes mel litus and anaemia. HIV prevalence rate in Zanzibar is presently at 0.6 per centum in sexually active grownups ( NBS, THMIS 2008 ) . Public Health Care System The public wellness system in Zanzibar is characterized by three degrees of wellness attention bringing. There are Primary Health Care Units and Centers ( PHCUs and PHCCs ) , District Hospitals as secondary degree and Tertiary degree which includes Mnazi Mmoja Referral Hospital and specialized Hospitals. Presently there are 133 PHCUs, 34 among them categorized as PHCU+ that provide extra services such as bringing, alveolar consonant, pharmaceutics and research lab services. PHCCs provide all services as PHCU+ with extra of inmates services of 30 beds. Public private mix is turning in Zanzibar ; several partnerships are traveling on in footings of service bringing and preparation. At the District degree, District Health Management Teams ( DHMTs ) are responsible for the proviso of wellness attention services. Decentralization policy is non wholly applied, nevertheless signifier of deconcentration in the wellness sector is practiced in term of be aftering but the laterality of the top- bottom attack in the determinations still exist signifier of de-concentration in the wellness sector is practiced in term of be aftering but the laterality of the top-bottom attack in the determination still exist. Private Sector These comprises of private Hospitals and Clinics which provide services for profit footing. As one among the major portion of the wellness sector reform in the betterment of public private coaction to promote private activity, Zanzibar has experienced the increased figure of private wellness installations. The private sector is now seen as an of import and important spouse in supplying wellness services so as to complement authorities proviso and increase consumer pick ( Mtei et al. , 2007 ) . Table 1.2 Health installations in Zanzibar PHCUs/Dispensary Health Centers Hospitals EntirePublicNongovernmental organizationPrivate130555420603140758Entire19069205Beginning: Zanzibar Service Availability Mapping 2009 Health Care Financing Outgo on wellness Since independence authorities provides basic wellness attention services for free by utilizing revenue enhancement based funding. However the economic crisis in the early 1980s affected the proviso of wellness services. Other beginnings of funding is through external support via development spouses which takes big portion of outgo followed by out of pocket payment in the signifier of cost-sharing or user fees. Information on OOP for public and private outgo on wellness is non good captured due to inexistence of National Health Accounts ( NHA ) which records beginnings and utilizations of wellness financess. The user fees in public installations remain a challenge which brings really strong argument in the House of Representatives during the budget blessing of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare for certain type of services particularly maternal services including cesarean fees. Table 2.1 Zanzibar Indicators of wellness outgo ratios 2008 Indexs 2008 Entire outgo on wellness as % of GDP General authorities outgo on wellness as % entire outgo on wellness General authorities outgo on wellness as % of entire authorities outgo External resources for wellness as % of entire outgo on wellness Out of pocket outgo ( user fees ) as % of entire wellness outgo Beginning: Zanzibar wellness sector public outgo reappraisal 2008 Table 2.2 Health as % Government Spending in Sub-Saharan Africa Entire local budgets incl. involvement payments excl. involvement payments 2003 2006 portion twelvemonthZanzibar6.5 %5.6 %7.6 %2006Kenya 6.0 % 5.1 % A n/a A n/a Nyasaland 10.8 % n/a A n/a A n/a South west africa 13.8 % n/a 15.0 % 2003 South Africa 11.1 % 11.0 % 12.8 % 2006 Uganda 11.8 % 11.7 % 12.5 % 2006 Northern rhodesia 17.7 % n/a A n/a A n/a Rhodesia 9.2 % n/a A n/a A n/a Beginning: Govender, McIntyre & A ; Loewensin 2008, Zanzibar information is from PER 2008 Zanzibar is passing less on wellness as a portion of Government budget compared with other states. Based on this information it should be noted that all other states included here are confronting the high load of HIV/AIDS which increases the wellness disbursement. However, most of this disbursement is financed by the development spouses.Chapter 2Problem statement, significance of the survey and MethodologyThe job: feasibleness of presenting wellness insurance in ZanzibarMost of the development states are experienced the underfunding of its public wellness sector. A job of the wellness system in Zanzibar that influences quality wellness services is that there is no national wellness insurance strategy. This job starves the wellness sector financially caused by deficits in authorities outgo towards wellness sector each twelvemonth ( figure 1.2 ) . This has led to increasing deficit of indispensable drugs and medical supplies in wellness installations and deteriorating of quality wellne ss services and substructure. As a consequence from this state of affairs, the Zanzibar authorities in 1999 after the alteration of the Health Policy emphasized the demand for the people to lend on wellness attention services in the signifier of cost-sharing. However, the increasing of high cost of wellness attention services leave the bulk of hapless and less educated vulnerable. Additionally, the fiscal barrier was seen as among the major determiners in the use of wellness services. Out-of-pocket payments besides exist in Zanzibar where by patients pay straight to wellness attention suppliers chiefly private installations or which do non covered by any signifier of wellness insurance User fees is a signifier of out-of-pocket whereby patients are required to pay to wellness services ; nevertheless the patient does non pay existent cost, but a certain sum. This was done in order to acquire extra beginning of income to supplement authorities fiscal budgets in the wellness sector e.g. purchase of drugs and infirmaries supplies. However, this has a small impact on bridging the fiscal spread as some of the countries which exercise user fees are non on a regular basis audited. In 1998, the constitution of Zanzibar Social Security Fund ( ZSSF ) under the Zanzibar Security Act No. 2 of 1998 has opened the window for authorities employees to have medical benefit including pregnancy allowance. Harmonizing to other states experience the development of National Health Insurance ( NHI ) get downing from this point whereby employees from formal sector get enrolled. The advantage for ZSSF apart from registration of authorities employees, parastatal and private companies were besides included. Apart from the bing of ZSSF unluckily to day of the month no payment made for medical benefit, bing payments chiefly are for old age, pensions, endurance and invalidness benefits. Recently in 2009, the caputs of ZSSF have shown involvement to get down wellness insurance strategy for its members which was welcomed by the Ministry of Health as a starting point. For this ground the demand to develop base line for the execution of societal wellness insurance is extremely needed to wards cosmopolitan coverage and hazard protection for the hapless. Challenges will still stay given the fact that informal sector is still big in Zanzibar and poverty degree is besides dead.Challenges in wellness attention funding:With increasing disease load, low economic growing, immense informal sector, high unemployment, high degrees of poorness, unjust distribution of income, and weak public sector direction, states in the African part are confronting the challenge of guaranting entree to indispensable and quality wellness attention services that are financed equitably. The major challenges in the wellness attention system that a big figure of states in the Sub Saharan Region will hold to get the better of are: Failure of set uping cost recovery safety cyberspace mechanisms in protecting the hapless ; Lack of fiscal resources to bring forth good wellness for all ; Lack of human resources is a constriction in bettering wellness system public presentation ; Inefficient usage of available wellness resources supplying just wellness attention ; Limited proficient capacity to pull off the complex wellness funding issues besides high turnover of wellness staff, directors, policymakers and contrivers chiefly due to hapless fiscal inducements ; Limited institutional capacity to ease the development and execution of feasible and just funding schemes ; and Weak monitoring and analytical capacity ; taking to grounds non being used for explicating wellness policy and taking determinations.Significance of the surveyStudy inquiriesBy looking the experience from other low income states could present the reply for the undermentioned survey inquiries? a ) Giving a model with which aims presenting wellness insurance has been seen as a good thought in other states? B ) How Zanzibar could utilize ZSSF in order to construct a reasonable SHI? ( is it possible to cover everybody? ) degree Celsiuss ) How a reform including cardinal participants should be attempted?General ObjectiveTo depict the societal wellness insurance based on societal security attack in order to do informed recommendations to the policy shapers.Specific Aims:Describe wellness funding in low income states Describe the wellness attention financing strategies in Zanzibar and the purpose of presenting wellness insurance Describe wellness insurance strategies from other states and how do they run into with standards for public presentation Identify lessons learnt and supply recommendations for Zanzibar in set uping wellness insurance which is sustainable and just. Based on the aims, the survey will look profoundly in the undermentioned countries: Determine the purposes of in presenting insurance strategies, How they planned to utilize existing establishments or else and What the jobs have been in the reform. Effective of Risk pooling among the strategies Types of benefits /services members received Does the coverage just ( high or low ) ? Recommend on the practical stairss needed to implement the assorted strategies in Zanzibar.Beneficiaries:The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Zanzibar ( MOSHW ) , Zanzibar Social Security Find ( ZSSF ) and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs Zanzibar ( MOFEA ) .MethodologyStudy RestrictionsSearch Scheme:Cardinal Wordss:Chapter 3Literature study on wellness Insurance

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Management styles, business ethics & the legal environment of business Essay

Management styles, business ethics & the legal environment of business - Essay Example A manager could not have all these qualities at the onset but should be developed and honed as experience requires. 3. Managers all have different styles of managing. Yes, I believe that managers have different styles of managing and leading depending on different factors: the personality of the manager, the personalities of the subordinates and the situation at hand. Managers could therefore be autocratic, democratic, free-rein depending on these factors and situation. 4. What management style(s) is/are most effective? There is not one effective management style. As emphasized by Martires (181), management or â€Å"leadership style should fit the situation where it is applied. Leaders must consider various organizational factors such as the nature of the task, the amount of authority, and group support to determine which style to adopt†. 5. What management style do/would you practice? In this regard, as a potential manager for UPC, I intent to practice the situational model w here the style of managing would depend on the people I would be working with and on the situation. 6. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a manager. The advantages of becoming a manager are: (1) being instrumental in transforming the organization and the people from where the organization currently is to where it plans to achieve; (2) being accorded the opportunity to develop potentials in people; (3) assuming different roles such as directing, coaching, supporting, and delegating; (4) bridging the gap as the middle person between higher management and subordinates; and (5) assuming a form of power in the organization to influence the behavior of others to bring about desired results. On the other hand, the disadvantages are: (1) being the person to blame in times of organizational errors or deviations from goals; (2) expectations are usually generally high in terms of ability to generate positive results and outputs; and (3) accountability for people under oneâ₠¬â„¢s jurisdiction. 7. How does the size of the business impact the roles & responsibilities of managers? The size of the business significantly affects the roles and responsibilities of managers. For large organizations, for examples, there are more managers assigned in different departments to conform to specific functions: marketing, human resources, operations, finance, among others. In smaller organizations, sometimes, there is a need for only one manager who is expected to assume the tasks and responsibilities for all functions (finance, marketing, human resources) depending on the number of people being managed, the products or services, and the target markets. While doing your research for the management position you run across a memo that confirms that several people who got the vaccine became ill. One of them required hospitalization for two weeks. Medical experts believe the vaccine was the cause of their illnesses. 8. Should you say anything about the memo during your in terview? As a prospective manager, one is expected to be transparent in all undertakings that affect crucial aspects of the organization’s operations. In this situation, if the vaccine was the cause of the illness, all the more that the situation should be elevated to authorized officers of the organizat

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Pricing Strategies of Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Pricing Strategies of Organisations - Essay Example With this shift in pricing strategy, Whirlpool was able to redefine the washing machine industry and identify new markets and segments within it (Gregson, pp. 85-87, 2009; Ferrell & Hartline, pp. 47-49, 2008). Market Skimming Consider the example of Sony’s first High Definition Television (HDTV) in the Japanese market introduced in the year 1990. Sony initially priced it with 43000 US dollars but by the end of the year 1993, the same HDTV with similar features was being sold for almost 6000 US dollars. By the year 2004, a 42-inch HDTV had a price tag of only 1200 US dollars in the Japanese market. What Sony was trying to do here in Japanese market is known as â€Å"price skimming† or â€Å"Market skimming price† in the language of marketing. When companies introduce new, technologically advanced and better products, they deliberately charge very high prices for those products (Gregson, pp. 85-87, 2009). Usually, extensive promotion and hype is created in the mark et about the product, which create a very high demand. Furthermore, the unit costs of producing small volumes are not so high. This allows the organisation, not only to keep the competitors out of the market but at the same time, the high price communicates the message of luxury, uniqueness, and superiority of the product. By starting with the highest possible price and gradually decreasing it over a period, the company is able to â€Å"skim† all the revenue layers of the market (Zhang, pp. 36-39, 2005; Kurtz, MacKenzie & Snow, pp. 325-326, 2009). Important here to note is that with this method, the company is able to target all the segments and markets. With high initial prices, the company targets the market of less price sensitive customers who are willing to pay... This essay approves that many airlines in the airline industry use dynamic pricing strategy, which is another form of price discrimination. Under the umbrella of dynamic pricing, airlines charge different fares to the different customers during peak and off peak seasons, for advanced bookings, for last minute bookings and thus fares vary for different times of the day, different days of the month and different seasons. In fact, there are all chances that two people who are travelling through the same flight may have paid different fares for the same flight with the same benefits. Important here to note is that this kind of pricing not only allows the company to earn some extra revenues during the peak hours, days and seasons but it also ends up in increasing tourism in those areas. However, important here to note is that these are the low cost carriers who use aggressive forms of dynamic pricing. This paper makes a conclusion that pricing strategies play a crucial and imperative role in targeting different markets. Companies and managers, which are aware of the potential of pricing strategies to target different markets, are able to generate more business and revenue for the company. However, as mentioned earlier in the paper as well that much consideration and thought must be put into the pricing strategies to target different markets because an incorrect pricing strategies may not even end up tarnishing the image of the company but it may also end up putting the company into losses

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Providing Appropriate Accommodations Term Paper

Providing Appropriate Accommodations - Term Paper Example Cerebral palsy is a disorder that affects the movements, balance and postures of the body. It refers to a paralytic state of the brain. It occurs as a result of abnormal development of the brain or parts of the brain that controls the tones of the muscles as well as the movements of the motor and cells. Thus the simple movements of the body also become difficult for the affected child. However, in spite of several forms of this palsy being capable of affecting children, it has been observed that the level of intelligence of these children may not be affected as it might seem to be. In fact, in several cases the intelligence levels of such children are like the normal children or even above averages sometimes. The health problem is significant in its nature and hence children suffering from this disorder need special care (Alvarez, 2012). Cerebral Palsy and its Characteristic Features among Small Children: The definition of cerebral palsy may be given as â€Å"a group of permanent di sorders of the development of movement and posture, causing activity limitations that are attributed to non-progressive disturbances that occurred in the developing fetal or infant brain. The motor disorders of cerebral palsy are often accompanied by disturbances of sensation, perception, cognition, communication and behavior, by epilepsy and by secondary musculoskeletal problems† (Introduction to Cerebral Palsy, 2012). Thus as explained above, cerebral palsy indicates abnormal functioning and non-development of the brain leading to abnormalities in the normal behavior and movements of the body (Introduction to Cerebral Palsy, 2012). Children suffering from cerebral palsy generally experience complexities in having control on their body muscles and movements while they grow up and develop. As these children grow up, the character and level of these difficulties modifies. However the disorder is not progressive and thus no change occurs in the actual injury or mutilation of the brain. What alter are the effects that arise as a result of the injury in the brain. The changes may occur over a certain period of time. It has been also observed that patients with this order may be helped to great extents through physiotherapy and other therapies. Thus children suffering from cerebral palsy are at many times referred to a therapist or are checked by a multi-disciplinary team under the involvement of local Child Development Centre. Since parts of the brain get affected as a result of the disorder, thus there may be allied complexities which become apparent when a child develops â€Å"for example, in vision, hearing, learning and behavior† (Introduction to Cerebral Palsy, 2012). It is not abnormal for not providing with a diagnosis if the motor development in the child is almost complete while doctors keep monitoring the child in the course of the development stages of sitting, crawling and walking (Introduction to Cerebral Palsy, 2012). Characteristic Feat ures of Students Suffering from Cerebral Palsy: Children with cerebral palsy encounter difficulties in moving their muscles normally. This primarily occurs as a result of persistence of certain reflexes that lead to movements and postures of the body that are unconscious in nature. The children encounter problem since these movements

Monday, August 26, 2019

Paediatric Burns Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Paediatric Burns - Essay Example In present times, even 90% burns patients are being saved while 25 years ago, even 50% burns was considered fatal. Research has evolved the best treatment approaches for burns including resuscitation with fluids, cleaning the wounds, replacement of damaged tissue with skin, control of infection and dietary supports. Incidence Among the leading causes, burns in children (below 9 years are identified as the third one among injury-related deaths (Green, 2010). Burns in children are usually caused at home (Anjali et al, 2009). Scald burns have the commonest incidence in children, 80%. They occur mostly over the upper trunk and upper arms (Anjali et al, 2009). Hot bath water caused 50 % of the scalds. In most cases, the burns could have been prevented. A lapse in parental supervision and curiosity of a child are the two reasons quoted for the tragic incidents. Occasionally the child may not be able to get away from the burning substance Child abuse is another sad cause (Green, 2010). Chil dren who are burnt have a tendency to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (Anjali et al, 2009). ... The coagulation zone lies in the center of the burn and has necrotic tissue. The ischemic zone indicates microvascular injury causing oxygen-deprived tissues and surrounds the coagulation zone. The outermost hyperemic zone shows vasodilatation as an acute inflammatory response to the injury near it (Green, 2010). Primary Survey The first few steps of nursing care help to stabilize the patient for further treatment. Assessment of the airway is especially important in children and the cervical spine is to be protected while doing so. If the child is not responding or if one feels that the airway is compromised, an endotracheal tube is better used as the airway is much smaller in children (Green, 2010). Evaluation of the respiratory status is the next step. The child’s chest must be exposed and the rate, extent, and quality of the respiratory movements assessed. The movements of the chest wall must be watched. The breath sounds must be auscultated bilaterally (Green, 2010). Child ren with burns on the chest will definitely have a compromised respiration. Oxygen must be given through a non-breathing mask to ensure 100% saturation (Green, 2010). A pulse oximeter would indicate the percentage of oxygen saturation. Inhalation is diagnosed by the singed hair on the eyebrows or nose. The pulse quality, rate and rhythm need to be assessed for a picture of the circulation status. When the patient is stable, the neurologic status may be assessed. Level of consciousness may be examined using the AVPU protocol by noting the response to verbal stimuli or pain. If neurologic status is compromised, hypoxaemia, carbon monoxide poisoning, smoke inhalation, drug abuse or an earlier medical problem must be suspected (Green 2010). The clothes of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Effects of Better Food, Education, and Technology Essay

Effects of Better Food, Education, and Technology - Essay Example According to the paper  with the spread of obesity, and several kinds of chronic and fatal diseases, and increase in the number of young patients, health and safety of people has become one of the prime objectives and determinants of the success of a government. Better food is not only likely to bring a decrease in the number and spread of diseases, but also bring a revolutionary change in the way people interact with one another, their energy level, their extent of physical activity, their efficiency at work, their ability to tackle issues both at workplace and elsewhere, and their ability to play a constructive role in the society. Critics may say that better food may result in a spread of obesity.From this study it is clear that education is the fundamental building block of the society. Better education will change people’s behavior for the better, reduce racism, increase employment rate, and cause social evils like poverty and violence to recede. An individual's suscept ibility to heart disease is reduced by 2.16 percentage points with four years of additional education. Research suggests that more educated Americans have lived longer as compared to less educated Americans. Critics may say that better education does not reduce unemployment as the number of jobs is limited anyway. This is wrong. There are many jobs available but unoccupied just because of skills’ shortage.  Better technology in school causes numerous positive effects on the quality of education.  ... Education is the fundamental building block of the society. Better education will change people’s behavior for the better, reduce racism, increase employment rate, and cause social evils like poverty and violence to recede. An individual's susceptibility to heart disease is reduced by 2.16 percentage points with four years of additional education (Picker, 2012). Research suggests that more educated Americans have lived longer as compared to less educated Americans (Cooney, 2008). Critics may say that better education does not reduce unemployment as the number of jobs is limited anyway. This is wrong. There are many jobs available but unoccupied just because of skills’ shortage. Better technology in school causes numerous positive effects on the quality of education. There has been a rapid increase in the use of technology in schools over the decades. Today, technology is the most fundamental element that makes the contemporary educational system unique and better as com pared to the old educational system. Effects of better technology in school include but are not limited to high participation level of the students, increased interest of students in studies, development of technological skills and expertise in the students, raised self-esteem of the students, improved ability of the students to grasp the core concepts and use them to contribute to the creation of more knowledge, enhanced ability of teachers to deliver more in lesser time, improved time management of the teachers, increased trust and confidence of the parents of students in the school, and consequently, increased profitability of the school’s business, and finally improved ranking of the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Leadership issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Leadership issues - Essay Example Today, the business world has become more competitive because of which basic leadership skills are important (Storey, 2013). A leader links the business stakeholders to one another as they play the major role in communication. This is why ineffective leadership can create many issues and problems for the organization; internally and externally. It is important to understand that leadership and management can be two entirely different concepts. Managers are the ones that authorize tasks to the employees who are in a lower position. Managers are usually at a higher position than leaders. Leaders are people among the employees who are appointed to lead a certain activity or event. In this competitive world, the skill required for a manager has to be inborn, while skills for leadership can be learnt with experience and practice. Leadership comes to play where management is not sufficient enough. Leadership without any issues can build, encourage and promote efficient organizational cultu re and success. Managers may not be leaders, but leaders are always managers as well (Hackman & Johnson, 2009). At many occasions, leadership can be problematic for the business. Leaders have responsibilities that have to be fulfilled if the business has to grow and prosper. Leadership issues may affect the employees, the stakeholders, the business activities and the customers directly or indirectly. Leadership is given to those people who are experienced and who can carry out the responsibilities efficiently without risking the business name and growth. Leadership issues can be many which will be assessed in this paper but it is important to know why leadership needs to be flawless. Efficient leadership leads to many consequences for the business. Effective leadership builds confident in the employees and subordinates. It is the leader’s job to motivate the employees and encourage them to work in teams and achieve their objectives. When the leaders support the employees, the y tend to be more productive and efficient. Leaders contribute in creating willingness among the employees to work hard and be productive. Efficient leaders also provide job satisfaction to the employees and team members. Leaders work in teams and their behavior and style effects the job satisfaction of the workers. A friendly and understanding leader would b able to manage the problems and employees efficiently. Activities can be organized if the leader understands his responsibilities and duties, employee morale will be increased at work, and coordination will bind the employees together towards one objective (Hackman & Johnson, 2009). Communication is seen as the most common problem among leaders and their subordinates in businesses. Efficient leaders ensure that they are carrying out effective communication to avoid issues. Ineffective communication can create many issues for the business internally and externally. Communication allows the employees to know and understand their jobs, the business strategies, goals and policies. Regular communication must take place through various modern methods of communication (Storey, 2013). Some businesses still use the traditional communication methods which can create issues and misunderstandings. Modern communication techniques include meetings, video calls, social networks, pagers, etc. Through communication, leaders can give prompt instructions and feedbacks to the employees. When leaders fail to communicate and respond to employee performances, issues tend to rise. Another issue is when

Friday, August 23, 2019

Mature market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Mature market - Essay Example The customers in this mature caterpillar industry(Neson, 1999) are commercial construction companies, equipment rental and leasing companies, general construction firms and includes the mining, agricultural, waste management, industrial and forestry companies. The commercial construction companies are the lion's share of this saturated mature market because the commercial companies have more money to spend, the greatest need for machineries and the greatest need for precision controlled equipment. All market situations contain risks.(Harringon,1999) Although the small construction companies market is now growing, there will be a small income opportunity here because of the small capital investments that the customers will shell out. The machineries market,(Meyer,1983) as is the case with other industries, is affected by the economic situation. In fact Caterpillar and its competitor Komatsu could not help but watch their annual sales go down to the slowing down of the global economy. The Consumer's confidence in the product is another factor in studying the downturn in sales volume which has been long lasting. The weakening of the global economy has contributed much to the saturation or maturity of the machineries market. It is now very difficult to get a new sales orders from construction and commercial companies that need the Caterpillar products. ... Presently there are fifty five major players in the machineries business. Caterpillar occupies the number one spot because it has been in operation for the past forty years. Caterpillar equipments are in demand worldwide because it has gained the trust and confidence of its many clients. Caterpillar is known for products that are of quality and durability but also versatile. The sales people of Caterpillar are very adept at product demonstrations of their machineries and this is another big contributory factor to the success of Caterpillar. (www.bplans.com) According to Daniels, a strategic planning group, a mature company, like Caterpillar, is placed in a situation where there is very sales growth resulting to stagnant, decreasing or even break even sales. Since there are many competitors to fill the needs of only a few markets, then the selling prices will most likely not increase. Companies in the mature market economy like Caterpillar are mostly using more aggressive price, service and quality that is in tune with the customers' wishes. Since the market is tight, there is lesser elbow room to move up in terms of sales and quality services. For mature companies like Caterpillar(Sussland,2000) to grow more, growth opportunities have to be continuously discovered and implemented. This can be done thru surveys, and research and development. Another strategy is to develop an organizational structure that will fit the ever changing marketing environment. This means that there will be a ready flexible support team that Caterpillar is well known for in order to help the Caterpillar clients in every problem situation. Another strategy is revise the internal costing procedures in order to minimize costs and expenses. When expenses are lessened, then net income

Discussion 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Discussion 5 - Essay Example mally held at the home of the elder family members, this is the one time during the year when the whole year when the clan is expected to gather to partake of a dinner normally composed of chicken and fish. The strange part is that the chicken and fish dishes are not consumed but are instead meant as offerings. I have often had to explain to our foreign guests that the chicken and fish are meant to honor the Chinese pun that says â€Å"every year have chicken and fish left over† or â€Å"have profit every year† for businesses, and for families, it could mean â€Å"be blessed every year†. I realize that it is a waste of perfectly good food not to partake of the dishes served specifically for the â€Å"pun† purpose. However, it is Chinese tradition and culture that dictates we must do it. It is a tradition that has the best of intentions and has never brought harm to anyone. Which is probably why my family also continues to honor the tradition to this very day and we find ourselves constantly having to explain ourselves to our foreign guests who, in the process, learn more about Chinese cultures and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Personal essay about my Grandma Essay Example for Free

Personal essay about my Grandma Essay Going to a foreign land is everyone’s dream. Most people especially the young ones would love to go to other countries to experience how life would be. This opportunity came to me when my father sent me to United States to study Physical Therapy. Many people believe that United States has a very good educational system. When I learned about this news from my father, I was mixed emotions. I did not know how I felt at that time whether I will be happy or sad. Imagine I will be studying in another continent which is far from my county, Saudi Arabia. On the lighter side, I felt a bit excited because knowing I am going to United States, it is already a big thing because it is everyone’s dream however I am extremely sad because I know I am going to be separated from my family especially from my grandmother who is very close to my heart. The thoughts of leaving my place and my family are so depressing. It makes me cry sometimes at night looking and memorizing every corner of our house where I grow up, because its corner has a lot of good memories that I will always treasure in my heart, specifically the bedroom I shared with my beloved grandmother. Many people might think that I am over-the-top when I talk about my family. But that is really me! I really value the importance of my family. Without my family, I will not be the person I am at present and in the future. It is my family who supports me all of my life. The members of my family are the people who never turn me down when I needed them most and never turn their back when I am in pain, sorrow, and happiness. They showered me with love and care that nobody can give me without any expectations of return. My mother has taught me to love and show concern to every members of my family. Although when my brothers and I were still young, it cannot be avoided that we fight because of immaturity however it did not destroy our bonds as siblings because my mother inculcated in our young minds and hearts to be a keeper of one another. I can vividly remember how my mother prepared for our breakfast so that we can eat delicious and nutritious meals before going to school. She was a hands-on mother to us. My mother and my dad never lacked in giving discipline to us. My mother kept reminding me the importance of good education. She made me realized at a young age that through education, I can be successful in my chosen career. She motivated me a lot to do well in my studies. On the other hand, since my father was at work during day time, he never failed to make up during night time or whenever he had free time. He played with us and treated us some goodies. My parents made sure that we have family day where we can bond with each other. That was why when father sent me here in the United States, I am extremely sad rather than super excited because I know I will be home sick and I don’t know if I can live by myself without them. But since my father explained to me the reason why I need to come here, I just obeyed him because I can see his face how happy he was when he learned that I got a high GPA that give me a chance to be admitted in Virginia Common Wealth University (VCU). I know that no parents would seek harmful things for their children but only the best for them. Though my heart ached and did not want to leave, I followed what he said. Another reason why I do not want to go was because I am also very attached with my grandmother. When I was in Saudi Arabia, I used to share a room with my grandmother, played games, and share secrets because I am the only girl in the family; thus, she even raised me until I was ten years old. She is a lovely grandmother. She always teaches me good things about life in an early age. She doesn’t only treat me as her grand-daughter but as well as her best friend. We talk a lot of things especially when she supervises me with my studies although my parents are supportive. She is also a good listener and an adviser that made me express myself and my real feelings towards situations that happen to me. I am also relieved just by her kiss or hug because it makes me feel secure and loved. When I was about to live, my grandmother was very ill. I know that she was dying. I knew it in my heart. However my grandmother has told me to pursue my dreams and make her proud of me. When the day came for my departure, I felt so gloomy. When I arrived here in the United States, there were no nights that I never cry. My pillows were the only witnesses how lonely I was. There was even a time that I always counting the day and looking forward a vacation to my country, Saudi Arabia, to meet my love ones again. I really had the hard time coping up with new things that I am facing in the United States. I used to wake up with my mother’s voice calling us to wake up and eat breakfast or my grandmother’s advices when I am feeling down. But now when I transferred here to study, I felt that I am alone. I really missed my family. I tried to live a normal life, pretending that things are going to be okay. I always mesmerize the memorable moments I had with my family way back in Saudi to make me keep going. The time came when my grandmother died because of her illness. I was very clueless about her death. My parents especially my father did not inform me about my grandmother’s death. Every time I made a phone call to them, I always asked my father about my grandmother’s condition. But every time I mentioned such subject, my father always told me that my grandmother was okay and shifted to another topics. He made stories just to make me believe that grandma was still alive. But when I went home, I found out that my grandmother has died four months after I arrived in Saudi Arabia. I was very shocked and hurt why my parents did not tell me about the death of my grandmother. I could not understand at first because I cannot imagine that when I go home I can no longer see and talk my best friend, my grandmother. I really had the hard time accepting the fact. But my father made me understand that they did not inform me so that I will not be disturb with my studies because they already knew my situation here in the United States how homesick I was and if they will do so, they will be just adding my sorrow. I completely understand why my parents had kept that from me because I know they did not want me to be burden anymore. It will be only adding to my depression of being far from them. Although my grandmother already passed away but her good memories are always keep in my heart. Nobody can replace her. In addition, my family continuously shows their support to me. Although I am the only girl but I thank God that my parents did not brought me up as a spoiled brat but as a disciplined person that knows the value and importance of family. This personal experience made me to be a family-oriented individual. It makes me also understands how family molds individual’s character and a child’s character is a reflection of what kind of family he/she has.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Purposes Of Different Types Of Organisations Commerce Essay

The Purposes Of Different Types Of Organisations Commerce Essay An organisation is a formal structure of relationships, responsibilities and authorities through which specific objectives are achieved. A work organisation is a social arrangement for the controlled performance of collective goals (Buchanan and Huczynski, 2004). Purposes of different types of Organisation: Business organisations: To make a profit in a socially standard way. For example: Airlines, Fast food. Non-profit service organisations: They want to help to all of people without any profit. For example: NHS, Universities. Mutual-benefit organisations: Individuals join together to pursue their own self-interest. For example: Clubs, Trade Union. Commonweal organisations: They provide service to all members of a given population. For example: Fire Service, Police. Organisations by their intended purpose: Purpose Primary beneficiary Examples Business Owners Manufacturers, Fast-food, Restaurants Non profit services Clients Universities, Hospitals Mutual-benefit Members Unions, Clubs Commonweal Public at large Police, Public schools Classifying Organizations: Sector classification: Private enterprise organisations: A private sector organisation is one that is owned and controlled by private individuals, not the government and usually exists to make a profit for its shareholders. Public sector organisations: A public sector organisation is one that is controlled by the government. It is called public because the government is responsible to the entire public. Commercial interest classification: Profit oriented: Profit-oriented means pricing strategies rely on setting a product or services price to attain a specific, programmed net profit percentage. Non-profit oriented: In the broadest sense, an organisation in which no part of any net earnings can grow for the benefit of any private shareholder or individual. Size oriented classification: Large scale: To access the large-scale data sources efficiently and automatically, it is necessary to classify these data sources into different domains and categories. Medium scale: The demands on an intensely-managed landscape need a regional landscape planning system, which balances the social economic needs with geo-biological conditions. Small scale: Title for firms of a certain size which fall below certain criteria in terms of annual income, number of employees, total value of assets. Formal and Informal Organization: The Formal organization is- Deliberately planned and created. Concerned with the co-ordination of activities, Hierarchically structured with stated objectives, the specification of tasks and defined relationships of authority and responsibility. The Informal organisation is- Is flexible and loosely structured, Relationships may be left undefined, Membership is spontaneous and with varying degrees of involvement. Describe the extent to which an organisation meets the objectives of different stakeholders. [P2] Stakeholders: A shareholder is a  stakeholder  simply because he or she has spent money in a company. Therefore, those people remain for to see a good return on the investment. This may not only consist of the value of the stock increasing over time, but it may also include getting periodical dividend payments based on profitability. Organisational objectives: Objectives are defined as specific commitment to complete a measurable result within a given time frame. Importance of objectives: Targets, Measuring sticks, Commitment and Motivation. Characteristics of objectives: Organisational purpose and aims, Be realistic, Be measurable, Preferably be set by agreement, Set clear and challenging targets, Be open to adaptation, Form a network. Objectives of different Stakeholders: Owners: In a company it would be the shareholders. Owners are often thought to be the most important stakeholders because they have set up the business and give a lot of time into the company to make it successful. Owners like to see their share of profit increasing, and the value of their business increasing. Customers: Customers want superiority for money which involves providing the highest quality products at rival prices. Employees: Their stake is that the company provides them with am livelihood. They want security of employments, good rates of reward and also improvement opportunities. Suppliers: They want to feel valued by the company and want frequent orders with on time payments. Trade Unions: This is for groups of employees who seek to secure higher wages and better working conditions for their members. Governments: The government wants businesses to become successful, to create jobs and to pay taxes. Inducements and contribution of inside stakeholders: Stakeholders Contribution of the organisation Inducement to contribute Shareholders Money capital Dividends Managers Skills expertise Salaries, bonuses, status power Workforce Skills expertise Wages, bonuses, stable employment promotion Inducements contributions of outside stakeholders: Stakeholder Contribution to the organization Inducement to contribute Customers Revenue from purchase of goods and services Quality and price of goods and services Government High quality inputs Revenue from purchase of inputs Unions Free and fair collective bargaining Equitable share of inducements Community Social and economic infrastructure Revenue, taxes and employment General public Customer loyalty and reputation National pride Explain the responsibilities of an organisation and strategies employed to meet them. [P3] Responsibilities of an Organisation: Responsibilities are the most important thing in this topic. Because of an organisation have a plan. So, to success plan, they must be maintaining some responsibilities. The main aim of the research is to give a formal analysis of the relations between collective obligations to individual responsibilities. Which individual agent in a group should be held responsible if an obligation directed to the whole group is not fulfilled? To this aim, concepts from planning fiction (like plan and task allocation) and organization theory are used in order to conceptualize collective agency and the organizational structures. These concepts are formalized in a dynamic demonic logic framework, which allows us to study the connections between all these concepts. I give a formal account of the notion of coordination, power and controls intended as management of interdependencies among agents activities and show how these organizational relations together with specific task breakdown determine the responsibilities within an organization. For example: CSR (Corporate social responsibility) is an organizations moral responsibility to stakeholder groups that are affected directly or indirectly by the organizations actions. An organization can adopt a narrow or a broad stance on social responsibility. Strategies: Once clear targets have been identified, a set of strategies must be decided on to further the organisations efforts. Strategies are defined here as specific programs, initiatives, and decisions which will require resources allocated to them. They can range from the development of Strategies alliances to developing and conveyance special in-house training for customer service. These operating Strategies are usually very special given that the good plans are very clear and focused. Frequently, there may be some Strategies that are critical and yet dont get openly shared, particularly since they may be really sensitive and general knowledge of them would put you at a competitive weakness. The Strategies document the approach that will be used to meet the performance goals. They are generated by middle management and approved by top management. Every effort should be made to keep the Strategies up to date, without making major changes. Major change can also result in the termination of projects that are only partially completed and/or have not become totally effective. It should be apparent that many Strategies are generated by many different functions, supporting the business objectives. Explain how economic systems attempt to allocate resources effectively. [P4] Economics: Economic is a social science that studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses. That is, economic is the study of the trade-offs involved when choosing between alternate sets of decisions. (Lionel Robbins, 1935) The purpose of economic activity: It is openly said that the central purpose of economic activity is the production of goods and service to satisfy consumers needs want i.e. to meet people need for consumption both as a means of survival but also to meet their ever-growing demand for an improved lifestyle or standard of living. What goods and service to produce: Does the economic uses its resources to operate more hospitals or hotels? Do we make ipod Nanos or produce more coffee? How best to produce goods and service: What is the best use of our scarce resources of land labour and capital? Should school playing fields be sold off to provide more land for affordable housing? Who is to receive goods and service: What is the best method of distributing products or ensure the highest level of wants and needs are met? Who will get expensive hospital treatment-and who not? Economic Systems: An economic system is best described as a network of organisations used by a society to resolve the basic problem of what, how and for whom to produce. C:UsersKaisar HamidDesktopeconomicsystem.gif Categories of economic system: Traditional Economy: Where decision about what, how and for whom to produce are based on custom and tradition. Free market economy: Where households own resources and free markets allocate resources through the workings of the price mechanism. Planned or command economy:   In a planned or command system typically associated with a socialist or communist economic system. Mixed economy: In a mixed economy, some resources are owned by the public sector (government) and some resources are owned by the private sector. Sectors of production in the economy: Primary sector: This involves extraction of natural resources e.g. agriculture, forestry, fishing, quarrying, and mining. Secondary sector: This involves the production of goods in the economy, i.e. transforming materials produced by the primary sector e.g. manufacturing and the construction industry. Tertiary sector: the tertiary sector provided services such as banking, finance, insurance, retail, education and travel and tourism. Quaternary sector: The quaternary sector is involved with information processing e.g. education, research and development. Meaning of economic scarcity: Scarcity is the fundamental economic problem, in a world of limited resources. Society has insufficient productive resources to fulfil all human wants and needs. For example: Flowers such as tulips are scarce on occasion because they grow only at certain time of the year. When they supply of tulips is lower, they are scarce, or not always available. If enough people want tulips when none are available, then the demand increases. And this demand is high not because the price is high but because the supply is low. Criteria for Allocation: Appropriate means of resource allocation are necessary to achieve optimal allocation of the resource. There are several criteria used to compare of water allocation @owe aelt, 1986. Flexibility in the allocation of existing supplies, so that resource can be shifted from use to use, place, as demand change, thus allowing equating marginal values over many uses. Predictability of the allocation process, so that uncertainty (especially for transaction costs) is minimized. Equity of the allocation process should be perceived by the prospective users, providing equal opportunity gains from the resource to every potential user. Political and public acceptability, so that the allocation serves values and objectives of various segments in society. Allocate resources effectively: The business plan plays a key role in allocating resources throughout a business so that the objectives set in the plan can be met. Once you have reviewed our progress to date and identified our strategy for growth, our existing business plan may look dated and may no longer reflect our business position and future direction. When we are reviewing our business plan to cover the next stages, its important to be clear on how we will allocate our resources to make our strategy work. The allocation of scare resources: Allocation of scarce resources is a reality for health care professionals and organizations. Resource allocation issues can be particularly challenging for rural communities, where resources are not enough to meet all needs and fewer alternatives exist to resolve conflicts between competing needs. Flexibility Security Real opportunity cost Predictability Equity Political and public acceptability Assess the impact of fiscal and monetary policy on business organisations and their activities. [P5] Fiscal policy: Fiscal policy is the means by which a government adjusts its levels of spending in order to monitor and influence a nations economy. It is the sister strategy to monetary policy with which a central bank influences a nations money supply. These two policies are used in various combinations in an effort to direct a countrys economic goals. How Fiscal policy works? Objectives of fiscal policy: To fund government spending To redistribute income and wealth more evenly A way of managing demand in the economy To influence the supply side of the economy To correct the negative externalities, such as pollution and passive smoking Effects of fiscal policy: Taxation and work incentives Taxation and pattern of demand Taxation and productivity Taxation and business investment decision What is monetary policy? The Federal Reserves actions that are designed to influence the availability cost of money. Such as changing the discount rate, altering bank reserve requirements, and conducting open market operations. In general, a policy to restrict monetary growth results in tightened credit conditions and, at least temporarily, higher rates of interest. Impact of monetary policy: Control inflation: The control of inflation has become one of the dominant objectives of government economic policy in many countries. Interest rates: The price of money. Interest is what you pay when you borrow money and what you are paid when you lend your money to someone else, like a bank. Business cycles: The term business cycle refers to economy-wide fluctuations in production or economic activity over a number of months or years. Spending: Money that has actually left the governments bank account and entered the economy. Employment: The act of giving someone a job. Fiscal Monetary policys activities: The role of government in the UK economy extends far beyond its activities as a regulator of specific industries. The government also manages the overall pace of economic activity, seeking to maintain high levels of employment and stable prices. It has two main tools for achieving these objectives: fiscal policy, through which it determines the appropriate level of taxes and spending; and monetary policy, through which it manages the supply of money. Evaluate the impact of competition policy and other regulatory mechanisms on the activities of a selected organisation. [P6]

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Impact Of Internship On Graduate Employability Management Essay

The Impact Of Internship On Graduate Employability Management Essay This report examines the impact of internships on graduate labour market. The view of this report is to find out what skills, knowledge and attributes are basically needed by graduate students to perform their professional duty in the practical job field in todays job market. The report then draws the key themes about what graduate employability is and what employers needs are in relation to graduates. Although non internship candidates find it more difficult to enter the job market, they have chances because employers look after soft skills from a candidate such as good communication skills, team work and also critical thinking. The report concludes by examining career prospects that graduates follow after doing an internship, whether they chose to follow an accounting career, or other industries, they have to think of medium and long term prospects in order to find a desired job. Introduction In recent years, there has been rapid expansion of higher education in UK. This has had important and deep effects on labour markets because employers need today highly educated employees. Internships provide practical experience in which a student has intentional learning goals and reflects actively on what she or he is learning throughout the experience. Doing an internship provides opportunities for students to gain work experience and companies help them to get a job in the future. Internships introduce students to the world of work and allow them to gain business experience, skills and knowledge that are necessary to succeed in todays labour market. They allow students to connect their experience from the workplace, with the theoretical knowledge that they have explored during university. Definition of Internship An internship represents a formal program that provides practical experience in which a student has intentional learning goals and reflects actively on what she or he is learning throughout the experience. Doing an internship provides opportunities for students to gain work experience and companies help them to get a job in the future. Also Employers are usually more concerned with your work experience than your qualifications and internships are often the only way to get the work experience you need to secure a job, so they are a vital part of your resume. Many employers prefer or require applicants who have done an internship or relevant work experience and in many of the more competitive job markets it is essential to set you apart from the others. However, some internships are unpaid and universities career development centres are asked to stop advertising unpaid internships on their websites, because interns cannot afford to work for weeks, and in some cases months, without being paid. Benefits and values of an internship According to Career Services Centre, the benefits of doing an internship allow you to gain a better perspective of post-graduation employment by applying the principles and theories a student developed during their seminar classes. Also students can develop a personal work ethic and be able to investigate their career interests and prospective career goals. An internship alleviates the development of professional contacts, which can help a student in the future for reference another company. By doing an internship you can develop a series of skills and knowledge that help students to choose from a wide range of possibilities about their future career. (Careers Services Centre, 2010-2011) The graduate labour market Graduate labour market offers information to students about any jobs available on the market, what recent graduates have done, average earnings that graduates can expect and also graduate recruitment trends. It is helpful to understand what a job in a real life is and identifies students options for future career developments. University of Wolverhampton (2010) states: The graduate labour market today is much more complex. Developments such as increased global competition and advances in technology mean that the workforce needs to be more highly skilled. This has led to many changes such as the importance of a degree when applying for a job, higher education is expanding and for todays market there are many students with a degree, which they increase competition within popular sectors. The graduate labour market continues to improve and many vacancies that employers are promoting are filled with graduates that have already worked for any of their organisations, through work placements, internships or vacation schemes. Graduate labour market Accounting For those graduates that have the right degrees, the current job market for accounting is very strong. Employers dont require a specific major of filed or study, but they are more focused on soft skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership and critical thinking. Accounting graduates find excellent opportunities in private sectors because they can work for a company; develop the knowledge about its business and the financial sector. Despite the tight labour market and strong demand, accounting graduates face tough competition, as top-tier firms expect skills beyond the sheepskin. Candidates must demonstrate technical knowledge and intangible qualities, such as presentation and public speaking, initiative, computer literacy and interpersonal abilities. Definition of employability [Employability is] a set of achievements, skills, understandings and personal attributes that make graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations, which benefits themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy. (Yorke, 2004) Since the recession the graduate labour market had become increasingly competitive, which is even harder for students to get a job without having any experience. There are few vacancies on the market, which are filled very quickly. Students also consider that they wouldnt have gone to university giving the fact that the market is very competitive. Although, they prefer to go to university because it is a unique experience, where you develop a series of skills and knowledge for a subject they like. According to Times Higher Education, students were less sure that higher education had prepared them for the world of work, however, with 35 per cent disagreeing or strongly disagreeing that university had equipped them well for employment. (David Matthews, 2012) Post-internship vs. non-internship candidates Most undergraduate students know that having an internship represents a good opportunity for a full time job offer. Those that do not have the opportunity to do an internship, will be likely to have less experience and therefore harder to get into the job market. According to Birchalls latest research (2012), people without any experience had little or no chance of being offered a place on their graduate training programmes. Even more strikingly, almost three-quarters of graduate vacancies advertised at investment banks and half the training contracts offered by major law firls this year are likely to be filled by former interns. Also, companies tend to recruit candidates who already have worked for them. Career path The accounting industry is so varied because is very difficult to identify the types of accounting careers that a graduate can take. Depending on their studies they can work in any industry in accounting. There is public accounting where graduates can work for any sized firm, ranging from a large, international CPA firm to a small local accounting practice. Within the firm, they can work in such areas as audit, tax and management consulting. With government graduates can work for a specific company. And they may work in tax, finance and again IT or internal audits. Also they can create a path to success at either the federal, state or local level. Non-profit organizations and education also offer many diverse opportunities. (American Institute of CPAs, 2012) Skills, knowledge and aptitudes Internships provide students opportunities to develop skills, knowledge and aptitudes within a workplace environment. Most students benefit from higher education support and guidance in finding a good internship/placement. Today careers are very different and students find with difficulty a job without experience and the most significant challenge for graduates will be to manage their relationships with work and with learning. This requires skills such as negotiating, action planning and networking, added to qualities of self-awareness and confidence. These are the skills required to be self-reliant in career and personal development; skills to manage processes rather than functional skills. They are as valuable in education as in the workplace, and as valuable to organizations as they are to individuals. (Rose and Jonathan, 2012) Traditional jobs still exist but, there is a huge increase in the number of graduates, which means that there are fewer jobs with graduate training programs. AGR members recruited an estimated 80% of graduates available for work. Today the figure is 50%.( The Association of Graduate Recruiters, 2012). Graduates need to be flexible and adapt to new situations. In order to obtain a good job, a graduate needs transferable skills such as working well in a team, good communication skills and self-reliance skills which are enabling skills that will be essential for graduates to survive in todays labour market. They are the skills to manage a lifetimes progression in learning and work, rather than to do the work itself. They are process skills rather than functional skills. The complete graduate needs 4 major types of skills such as self reliant being able to manage their personal development; they have to be good team players having management skills, IT and presentation skills; they have to be specialists which helps them to become an expert at something (e.g. marketing, accounting, tax, IT, etc); and also they have to have general skills and knowledge (e.g. problem solving, critical thinking, basic accounting and finance). Career prospects Being an accountant requires to complete many tasks, preparing financial statements and also record business transations. They also calculate financial costs, develop IT systems to track financial performance. Post internship graduates have many opportunities to find a good job and this is because they have fresh thinking, new knowledge to businesses and analytical skills. They have a variety of choices to think as a medium term prospect for their career, as finishing ACCA or long term prospects such as considering a career in accounting as an auditor or a chartered accountant, working for the government or being self-employed. Conclusion and Recommendations Employers expect graduates to have the discipline, knowledge and technical competence in order to demonstrate a broad range of skills and attributes that include critical thinking, team working, communication skills and problem solving. Internships help students to develop these skills that enable them to find the desired job, to progress in their work and therefore to facilitate the success of the companies that they work for and contribute to society and the economy. Universities have to develop employability skills more in depth, through their programmes including practical guidance and teaching strategies that allow students to have a better understanding about what employers expect from them, and how they should demonstrate their skills to them.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Preventing Air Pollution Essay -- Environment, Toxic, Ecology Essays

Preventing Air Pollution Air Pollution is a problem nation wide. The pollution hangs over our cities and is harmful and destroys living things and materials. Diesel exhaust is one of the most dangerous sources of air pollution. This type of pollution comes from on road vehicles such as large trucks and buses although factories, construction equipment and farms are big polluters too. Pollution from diesel engines contributes to about 80% of the added cancer risk from toxic air pollution nationwide. A main pollution problem has typically been high levels of smoke and sulphur dioxide arising from the burning of smoke and sulphur dioxide arising of sulphur containing fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and gas for domestic and industrial purpose. Here are the equations for the gases Sulphur+oxygen+water = sulphuric acid This is very bad to breath in and additionally destroys rubbers and metals. It comes from fossil fuels. Carbon + oxygen = carbon monoxide This is a very poisonous gas, which comes from vehicles. Furthermore soot is a common air polluter, which mixes with fog to make smog, which when breathed in, is very bad for our lungs. It is even most unpleasant in valleys as it hangs in the air for longer. When the pollution goes into the air it is known as an inversion layer, which can be transported for miles by wind killing and destroying on its journey. When the pollution attacks things that aren't living it can damage many things like, bike tyres, power line insulation, paint on buildings and makes spots on car paint via acid rain. Scientists have discovered that air pollution from the burning of fossil fue... ...trogen oxides that are releases into the air. So that means to reduce the emissions of fossil fuels. If people use less power and drive their vehicles less that will be a start to reduce acid rain. If everyone bought energy efficient appliances, bought energy efficient house or upgrade old houses to be energy efficient, take transit to work with 3-4 people in it instead of 3-4 cars, ride a bike, or walk it would make the air a lot cleaner to breathe. Certain types of chimneys can be built called static chimneys which when the pollution from the fossil fuels blow up then it sticks to the sides of the chimney, then got rid of in a solid form. If every person in the world would do this we help dramatically to reduce acid rain. Meaning it to be easier to breath and higher populations of fish, trees, plant life and animals.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Childrens Rights Essay -- Social Issues, Child Rearing

At the onset, early in the seventeenth century, children suffered corporal punishment at the hands of their parents and educational institutions and, moreover, under the governing rules of religious institutions, children were abandoned, sexually abused and sometimes killed. Hugh Cunningham, a Professor of Social History, in his book entitled Children and Childhood: In Western SocietySince 1500 analyzes the historical context of family and child rearing and highlights influences that have helped shaped the rights of children. He asserts that the â€Å"history of childhood was a history of progress, that the experience of being a child, and an understanding of the nature of childhood have improved over time† (Cunningham 40). Thus, children have emerged from hundreds of years of being unjustly and unfairly treated, to persons with rights –children’s rights. In addition to this, the importance of equality between race, gender and children’s welfare has result ed in a myriad of laws implemented to improve the life and, specifically, the treatment of children. In examining the role of child rearing, child labour, education, state’s interest and the women’s movement, it is evident that these serve as turning points that have shaped the history of children’s rights in society. The importance of child rearing is influential in propelling the rights of children in society. Cunningham highlights the historical context of child rearing and argues that early in the seventeenth century, the importance of religion, specifically Catholicism, as having a growing emphasis on the duties of parents towards their children. Fathers were the masters of their household and were granted permission by the Church to have power over the life and death of their ... ...torically, DeMause asserts that children have experienced tremendous cruelty and neglect and also, children were likely to have been killed, abandoned, beaten, terrorized and sexually abused by their caretakers (DeMause par.2). Clearly, the historical experiences of children with religion, labor, education, gender and politics are turning points that affect the way in which children experience life. In addition, there seems to be a growing interconnectedness between parents, children and the social constructs outside the family unit that significantly affect the socialization and life of children. In order to promote and foster a world free of injustices, society must continue to be concerned with the cruelty and discrimination of children. Every child has the right to live a worthy and dignified life and thus, society must strive to uphold the rights of children.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Does Hong Kong Recovered from the Subprime Crisis

Background In 2007, the soaring mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures in the United States triggered the sub-prime crisis and soon spread over the world. In this report, major causes of the sub-prime crisis and its impacts on Hong Kong’s economy will be examined. Different measures made by regulators and financial institutions to tackle this crisis will be discussed also. Lastly, evidence about the recovery of Hong Kong will be provided. The sub-prime crisisIn 2007, the collapse of subprime mortgage-backed securities (MBSs) brought to a huge loss among mortgage lenders. Many large financial firms including New Centaury Financial Corporation and Lehman Brothers Holdings Incorporation declared bankruptcy, which resulted in a downturn in the global financial market and a series of chain reactions spreading over the world afterwards. Impact of the sub-prime crisis on the Hong Kong financial institutions After the outbreak of the subprime crisis, the Hong Kong financial market sh rank along with the global economic recession.The stock market in Hong Kong declined from recorded high of 31,000 in October 2007 to 20,700 in March 2008 (Diagram 1) as investors losses their confidence and withdrew money from the market. Moreover, many banks wrote down huge amount of money for numerous sub-prime related securities. For example, HSBC wrote off US$17. 284 billion for potential losses in MBS or MBS related investments (HSBC 2008). Bank of China (Hong Kong) also wrote down HK$550m subprime-linked assets (Liu 2008). Lastly, there was a credit crunch due to the uncertainty about the amount of MBS related assets held by banks and insurance companies.As a result, many financial institutions reduced loans to each other and increased the interest rate because of high credit risk. Many new companies and corporations were unable to obtain fund to further develop and improve liquidity. Measures undertaken by the regulators and financial institutions In order to strengthen the c onfidence of the citizens and stabilize the banking system, the Hong Kong Deposit Protection Board strengthened and amended the Deposit Protection Scheme Bill in 2011. The 100 % deposit protection scheme of HK $100,000 was first launched in 2008.The amount of protection was increased to HK$500,000 in 2011. Besides, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority has made certain measures to deal with the problem. Firstly, HKMA announced a temporary policy which allowed licensed banks to access to liquidity assistance through the Discount Window with US dollar assets and extended the duration of liquidity assistance up to three months on 30th September 2008. These measures helped to improve liquidity within the banking system and further ease pressures in the interbank market (HKMA, 2008).The Hong Kong Interbank Overnight Offered Rates dropped from 3% to 0. 3% in a few weeks time after the announcement of these measures (HKMA, 2010). Secondly, the HKMA implemented a macro stress testing of the bank ing sector’s vulnerability to shocks such as the sub-prime crisis. Meanwhile, HKMA used the macroeconomic credit risk models to improve the stress testing of banks’ residential mortgage loans and other loan portfolios (Carse, 2008). The objective of this testing is to help HKMA monitor the banking sector and avoid problems similar to sub-prime crisis from happening in Hong Kong.Financial institutions wrote off large amount of money and tried to raise money in the market to improve their liquidity. In 2009, HSBC announced a USD$17. 7 billion rights issue. Shareholders were offered five new ordinary shares for every 12 existing shares at a price of HK$28 per new share (HSBC, 2009). This helped HSBC to restore its capital-debt ratio and allowed it to go over bad times without government assistance. Has Hong Kong economy fully recovered? According to the statistic in 2011, the real GDP growth rate was restored to 5% from -2. % in 2009. And the unemployment rate was dropped to pre-crisis level, it decreased from 5. 4% in January 2009 to 3% in December 2011 (Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department , 2012). The supply of money is in an increasing trend as well. Both M3 and domestic credit were having a 10% increase in 2010, compared with a decrease in 2008 and 2009. And the inter-bank offered rate dropped to a very low level of 0. 09% (Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department , 2012). These figures show that Hong Kong economy has restored gradually to pre-crisis level.However, there are certain hidden problems. Firstly, regulators worry about the inflation problem in Hong Kong after the injection of trillions of funds into the market from the Federal Reserve. Since HK dollar is linked with US dollar, the large increase in money supply in U. S dollar will in turn accelerate the inflation in Hong Kong. Secondly, the case of Lehman Brothers Mini Bond has shown that current regulations on financial products are not sufficient, small individual investor s can be misled easily.Further regulations and monitoring on financial products is necessary. Lastly, after the â€Å"lesson† of subprime crisis, many people lost their belief in financial investment which as a result restricted the development of financial market in Hong Kong. To conclude, the subprime does not only cause many adverse consequences to the global financial market including Hong Kong, but also brings some hidden problems. The cooperation between government and financial institutions is vital to help Hong Kong economy recover from the sub-prime crisis.